When Food Hurts Us!

Women often deal with stressful daily lives balancing work and family.  And if you’re like me you have a go-to comfort food that seems to distract your mind and calm your system. Alas, comfort food! 

Did you know that there is now an undeniably strong link between depression and the foods we eat?   Even worse, when we feel down or depressed, is exactly the time we often turn to our favorite go-to treats to seemingly make ourselves feel better.

Today scientist have established that some of those fail-safe unhealthy snacks are actually contributing to feelings of depression by altering our brain chemistry.  You know the foods, the ones high in sugar, saturated fats and processed junk that makes it nearly impossible to read a label.  Ingredients we intuitively always knew could not possibly be great for our bodies turn out to be harming us and increasing our risk of depression and anxiety.

Probably not surprising and definitely what you do not want to hear, the healthy foods we eat are linked to improved mental health.  Yup healthy food- healthy body and- healthy mind.

It may be nearly impossible for you to make a hard stop on all the sugar, processed, junk food that enters your body.  Especially if you are working, running around through life without time to think or slow down.  Often the best way to shift a habit is to carve out time to focus on you.

Attending a wellness retreat might be the jump start on all things wellness your body, mind and soul are screaming for.  You disconnect from your daily routine, destress, and focus solely on your health for an entire week.

Our Awaken Your Soul retreats nourish your body with healthy, locally sourced meals prepared by a private chef.  While you are not worrying about your next meal you will rest, join yoga, meditation, mindfulness workshops and breathwork.  Yes, learn how to breathe so you will forever have a destress skill in your back pocket.

A week in the jungle, surrounded by like minded women and you might even find yourself reinspired.  Your creativity will be ignited, and the sense of calm and focus guarantees you will return to life in the fast lane with healthier lifestyle habits in place and the grace, wisdom, and mindfulness to take on the world.

To learn more about upcoming 2023- and 2024-women’s wellness retreats, www.awakenursoul.net .



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