Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Open Your Heart This Holiday Season!

As the holiday season unfolds and you find yourself immersed in the quest for that perfect gift, indulging in baking your cherished cake, or reveling in the company of friends and family, take a brief pause to infuse your surroundings with love this Christmas. In just five minutes, you can open your heart and experience the enriching warmth that comes from extending love energetically to those you hold dear. Not only will this contribute to a more love-filled world, but it will also bestow upon you the gift of tranquility as you navigate the bustling shopping scenes and festive office parties.

Here are five simple steps to open your heart this Christmas:

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Unveiling the Impact of Small "t" Trauma on Your Health and How to Break Free

Big "T" trauma often takes center stage in our discussions, evoking images of courageous war veterans or victims of heinous crimes battling PTSD. However, there's a quieter, equally devastating force at play – small "t" trauma. This elusive culprit, often undiagnosed, is closely linked to issues of depression, anxiety, and various physical and mental health challenges. It's time we shed light on this hidden adversary and understand its profound impact on our well-being.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

The Meditative Magic of Seashell Collecting: A Journey to Inner Peace

A conversation with a friend months ago still resonates deeply within me. As she shared her profound love for shell collecting, her face radiated a genuine joy that left an indelible mark on my thoughts. Walking the beach, often accompanied by her children, she described the sheer peace that envelops her during these moments of collecting shells.

Intrigued by her passionate expression, I began to notice a community of like-minded individuals drawn to the tranquil allure of this hobby. Observing other beachgoers engrossed in shell collecting, I marveled at their commitment and focus as they navigated the surf in search of the perfect shell. Engaging in conversation with them revealed that this seemingly simple quest went beyond a mere hobby—it is a form of meditation, a practice with the power to soothe the soul, clear the mind, and heal a frazzled nervous system.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Healing the Hidden Scars of the Soul

Life is a journey filled with both joy and pain. No matter how fortunate your circumstances or loving your upbringing, painful events can still leave lasting imprints on your soul. We all carry soul wounds, and if you're ready to explore them, you'll uncover a world of healing and peace that can soothe your anxieties, restore joy to your days and strengthen your relationships.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

A Life-Altering Sojourn to the Depths of the Soul

Venturing into the heart of Costa Rica's lush jungles, I had expectations but was unprepared for the profound transformation that awaited at the "Spiritual Awakening of the Soul Retreat." Upon immediate arrival to this sacred ground, the weight of the world began to lift.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Brownie's Way: A Dog’s Guide to Finding Fullness of Life

I met Brownie last month and it did not take me long to realize there was a profound lesson to be learned by watching how he lived his simple Pura Vida life.  Brownie is the resident dog at the boutique hotel Banana Azul tucked oceanfront on the Caribbean coastal beach of Playa Negra in Costa Rica.  A magically serene place to visit and even more sublime place to live a dog’s life.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Unspoken Language: How Art and Nature Echo the Depths of Our Souls

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, amidst the constant noise and distraction, there are two silent yet profound forces that have the power to speak to us in ways words cannot fully capture – art and nature. These two elements, seemingly distinct, hold an intricate connection that transcends mere visual beauty. They possess the ability to communicate with our souls, reflecting the essence of who we are, what we feel, and what we think.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Journaling: Engages Both Sides of Your Brain and Awakens Your Inner Self

In the midst of our fast-paced lives, finding moments of inner reflection and self-discovery can seem like an elusive quest. But fear not, for there is a powerful tool at your disposal—journaling. This practice not only provides a sanctuary for your thoughts but also activates both hemispheres of your brain, fostering creativity and enhancing your problem-solving abilities.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Unlocking the Creative Power Within: Embrace the Magic of Inspiration

Have you ever experienced that awe-inspiring moment when a brilliant idea strikes you seemingly out of thin air, providing the perfect solution at the perfect time? It's a phenomenon we've all encountered—the mysterious spark of inspiration. But have you ever wondered why our brains work this way?

In today's fast-paced world, we are conditioned to believe that success comes from thinking hard and tapping into our knowledge. While this is undoubtedly valuable, there's more to the story. Your brain is a complex organ wired not only for linear thinking, like making to-do lists and analyzing data, but also for something much deeper—the abstract and intuitive realm of higher wisdom.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Boost Performance and Unlock Innovative Thinking!

The heart and the brain, traditionally considered as distinct entities, are more intimately connected than we once thought. It turns out there is a bidirectional communication pathway between these two powerhouses. The heart, often perceived solely as a mechanical pump, possesses its own complex network of neurons, neurotransmitters, and sensory receptors sending information to our brain. This network, known as the "heart-brain connection," enables a constant flow of intuitive, creative, outside-the box wisdom to flow.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Soulful Escapes: Finding Renewal and Purpose in the Serene Costa Rican Rainforest

Embarking on a spiritual wellness retreat offers a unique and immersive experience that aims to foster personal growth, self-reflection, and spiritual development. Retreats provide individuals with a valuable opportunity to detach from their daily routines, detach from the outside world, and engage in activities that nurture inner peace, clarity, and a connection to something greater than themselves.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Guided Meditations: Your Pathway to Problem Solving Through Zen-tertainment

Ever found traditional meditation a tad challenging or just plain boring.  Finding the inner peace meditation is supposed to bring can be frustrating, instead of calming, and sometimes feel like navigating a labyrinth blindfolded. 

Guided meditation taps a state of inner peace through an engaging and immersive imagination adventure in the quiet solitude of your mind. Recent heart-brain science reveals that engaging the imagination activates the intuition and harnesses the magic of right brain thinking while facilitating a shift to the highly sought after Alpha brain waves.   

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Breathwork. What’s the big deal?

Breathing, it’s an unconscious habit that we might just be taking for granted. 

Who would have thought the intentional willingness to tune into your breath combined with small adjustments to how you breath could be a simple, natural, inexpensive, mental health silver bullet having a profound impact on our health and wellbeing.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Seeking Solitude Sustains Us!

I spent most of my adult life feeling guilty about seeking solitude. Grabbing moments and desperately trying to slow down and regroup in the quiet. For many, solitude, may even have a negative connotation as if you are rejecting others, lonely or isolated and must be mentally and emotionally unwell.

Remarkably, the opposite is true. During solitude, we are able to quiet our minds, process thoughts and emotions and gain clarity and perspective. Amazingly deep tools that help us reduce stress and improve mental health. We become better leaders, parents, friends, and partners.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

When Food Hurts Us!

Women often deal with stressful daily lives balancing work and family.  And if you’re like me you have a go-to comfort food that seems to distract your mind and calm your system. Alas, comfort food! 

Did you know that there is now an undeniably strong link between depression and the foods we eat?   Even worse, when we feel down or depressed, is exactly the time we often turn to our favorite go-to treats to seemingly make ourselves feel better.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Heart Coherence is Trending!

Did you know that when you take time to align your heart and mind you make better decisions?  Some may do this naturally, but most do not.  Most people believe that the best path is to push forward by sheer will, ignore life’s challenges and they will go away.  They won’t, of course, maybe you stabilize your household or business for the time being, but it is all just band aids and duct tape.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Your ‘gut’ needs a food retreat!

You may have heard about the gut/brain connection, it is certainly getting a lot of attention these days.  It turns out your gut is like a second brain, hidden behind the walls of your digestive system, and a lot is happening.  The very way you think, your mood as well as ability to fight illness may all stem from the health of this illusively hidden system called the gut.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Why Nature Matters for Soul Renewal?

One of the biggest advantages of a week long retreat is that you can travel to exotic seemingly isolated locations. Destinations that provide solitude in nature in the worlds most off the beaten track locations. Why nature matters? Nature offers access to the unmatchable healing touch and connection to higher wisdom found only through creation. 

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

Business Leaders Are Retreating!

In the 1990’s Bill Gates famously coined his bi-annual retreats “think week” gifting himself time to read, ponder emerging technology and strategically plan. He did this to get ahead and stay informed as a market leader. Today's executive leaders have caught up with the wisdom of the “think week” trend and realized that the time in reflection can offer every non-Microsoft CEO and leader profound benefit as well.

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Kim Fawcett Kim Fawcett

A Vacation for Your Soul

You’ve likely been on a vacation, I have, Disney, an island, a cruise, international tours, each offers their own adventure, fun and bonding time with family. Yet some how I often return home more exhausted than I left. Spending most of my “vacation” on the go at a rapid pace to experience all that my holiday destination has to offer. When I return home, I typically realize I had spent very little time decompressing from the business of life, evaluating my ups and downs and seeking clarity for what might be next. 

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